Please check our Instagram or Facebook page for great merchandise. We can ship it to you!

Our Story

After 25 years in women’s retail we,  Ashley and Deanna,  decided to scale down and open a small high end accessories store.  The historic Rodney House was for sale with retail space and a beautiful apartment upstairs. Our plans were  falling into place.  On a buying trip to New York to help the new owners of Deanna’s and Piccolino,  we walked through the children’s section and looked at each other and knew at that moment that our plans were going to change.   Looking at all the beautiful clothing and specialized gifts ,  it became apparent that Lewes needed a store like ours. 

Ashley wears a bracelet given to her by one of her godchildren (she has 7) with the words (Fairy Godmother)inscribed on it and so the name. 

We strive to work personally with you to help you with that special gift or with your children’s wardrobe needs. For those of you who  know us from our clothing store, working with our customers and taking a personal interest in your needs is very important to us.